Elham HistorIcal SOCIETyA History Research Group for Elham

Elham Celebrates VE+50

On Saturday 6th May 1995 Elham celebrated VE+50. Houses were decorated with red, white and blue, Tim Parson's bookshop had a magnificant window display of wartime publications, posters and memorabilia.

Wartime vehicles drove into the square and were left on display for young and old to view them. A piano was loaded onto a trailer and Mrs Hall played wartime songs as it slowly drove around the village.

Later that evening a 1940's Supper Dance with Cabaret was put on at the old Village Hall. The evening was a great success and thanks to a home video taken at the time you can view the performance put on by the people of Elham and Lyminge, including Mrs Hall on the piano.

Link to the Video

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